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Min Kyung Kim is a womenswear fashion designer based in New York and Seoul

graduated from Parsons the New School for Design in 2017. 
Her design expresses happiness and playfulness through the usage of texture, pattern and mood of various fabric materials. She likes to draw her emotion and inspiration directly on her design without any complication. She derives a lot of her inspiration from intimate relationship that she has with herself, family and friends. The bright energy and love that her family and friends have on her affect her design greatly.  


상호: 키셰리헤 (KICHÉLEEHÉ) | 대표: 김민경 | 개인정보관리책임자: 김민경 | 전화: 010-9784-6678 | 이메일:

​주소: 서울 종로구 종로 272, B동 4층 D-01호 키셰리헤 | 사업자등록번호: 869-06-01190 | 통신판매: 제 2021-서울중구-1361호

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